Surrey Street Primary School is a Local Authority maintained primary school, situated just a 10 minutes’ walk from Luton town centre. We are a family school, at the heart of the local community, dedicated to providing the very best learning experiences for our children.
Visits from prospective parents are welcomed by appointment through the school’s office. They can be contacted on: 01582 359390 or
School Places
Please click on one of the links below to apply for a place at Surrey Street Primary School or to access information on the Local Authority’s admission and appeals arrangements.
Nursery Admissions:
To apply or join our waiting list - simply download our Nursery Admissions form, fill in your details and email to: and we will be in touch.
Children can start Nursery from the beginning of the school term AFTER their 3rd birthday.
September Admissions – normal point of entry:
To apply for a place at Surrey Street Primary School (via the Local Authority)
Published Admission Number (PAN): 60 places
Children start school full-time in September after their 4th birthday.
In-Year Admissions:
To apply for an ‘In-Year’ application to the school for a year group that has already started.
Admissions Policy and Appeals Arrangements (Local Authority)
To find out more about our admissions and appeal arrangements, please contact the Local Authority by clicking the link above.
Luton Borough Council, Town Hall, George Street, Luton. LU1 2BQ
Telephone: 01582 548000
Catchment Areas (Local Authority)
Click above to find out your catchment area
The school was graded as ‘GOOD’.
By Ofsted in July 2019:
“Pupils are polite and courteous to each other and to adults and have positive attitudes to learning.”