Year 5
Ruby Class
Our teacher is Mr Iszchak
Carmine Class
Our teacher is Miss Bethell
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Our teaching assistant is Mrs Mangion
Here’s what we’ll be covering over this term in Year 5:
In English, we will be writing suspense stories based on the chilling extract, Room 304. We will then be learning how to write letters of complaint, so be prepared for some formalised moaning at home.
For our class story, we will soon be starting The Day I Fell Into a Fairy Tale.
In maths, we will be learning how to use formal methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
You can help your children succeed by encouraging them to use TTRockstars daily.
Topics that we will be covering across the half-term
- Art – Manga (a Japanese style of drawing used to create graphic novels)
- History – Vikings and Anglo-Saxons
- Computing – effective searches
- Science – properties and changes of materials
- RE – what is Humanism?
- Geography – rivers
- DT – computer aided mechanics
Our PE days remain on Monday and Friday.
Our two units will be gymnastics and hockey.
There will also be opportunities for some children to attend additional workshops for dance at Chiltern Academy.
The expectation continues to be that each child reads three times per week at home and practises their times-tables on TTRockstars (twenty-one minutes per week).
Spellings should also be practised at least three times per week – we will be sending separate spelling sheets home so that parents have their own copy.
Optional topic homework is also available, and all homework is posted weekly.
Dates for your diary
In addition to the trips below, here are other important dates for this half-term:
- 17th January – celebration assembly
- 12th and 13th February – parents evening
- 14th February – celebration assembly
Please look at Dojo every day for all the exciting activities and events that are being planned for your children, or in case anything changes.
Planned Trips
Both classes will have their School Linking Network trip to Stockwood Discovery Centre. These will take place during the daytime and children will need to bring a packed lunch. During this trip, each class will meet its partner class from Tennyson Road Primary.
- Thursday 23rd January – some children to attend Chiltern Academy for a dance workshop
- Tuesday 4th February – Carmine to Stockwood for the School Linking Network
- Wednesday 5th February – Ruby to Stockwood for the School Linking Network
- Thursday 6th February – some children to attend Chiltern Academy for a dance workshop
- Friday 7th February – whole year group to Stockwood for a history workshop