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Year 4

Rouge Class

Our teachers is Mrs Khan

Burgundy Class

Our teachers is Mrs Burrell

Our teaching assistants are Mrs Levy, Mrs Shah, Mrs Begum and Mrs Ireland

Our Wellbeing Support Member is Mrs Franks

Here’s what we’ll be covering this term in Year 4:


In English this term, the children will learn about and write a variety of texts such as:  poetry, arguments and suspense stories.

We will start by exploring emotive poetry, which will focus on animals in captivity.  The children will then write their own.

We will then be writing short stories with a dilemma. This will be based on the text Sam’s Duck.

 After this we will be writing a balanced argument based on ‘Should animals be kept in zoos?’

We will be reading The Ancient Egyptian Sleepover


In maths we will be learning Number Place Value, Subtraction, Word Problems, Multiplication and Division including factor pairs. We will also be exploring area of shape.

Topics that we will be covering across the half-term

Art  -  Landscapes using watercolours

Geography – Countries around the world- comparing the UK to Egypt

Computing – Writing for different audiences

Science – Sound

PSHE – Dreams and Goals

RE – God and Faith within religions.



PE days are Mondays and Thursday

Children are learning the skills needed for gymnastics and learning to play hockey.

Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing; this can be in the form of plain black tracksuit bottoms or plain black shorts and a plain white or red t-shirt. 


Every child is expected to complete their three-weekly reads, access TT Rockstars and practice their spellings.

Children need to read at home at least 3 times per week and log this on Boom Reader.

Children need to learn their spellings each week.

Children are expected to complete 21 minutes a week on TTRS.

Planned Trips

11th February 2025  -  Young Voices

Dates for your diary

Please look at Dojo every day for all the exciting activities and events that are being planned for your children.

Friday 24th January  - Celebration Assembly - Parents/carers welcome!