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Year 1

Year 1 

Ladybird Class

Our teacher is Ms Morrell

Robin Class

Our teacher is Miss Powell


Our teaching assistants are Mrs Cann, Miss Uddin and Miss Farmer.

Our Wellbeing Support Member is Mr Jolley.

Here's what we'll be covering this term in Year 1:


In English, we will be learning about poetry, a beating a baddie story and a losing / finding story, as well as exploring non-fiction text and letter writing.



In Maths, children will be learning about place value within 20, addition and subtraction within 20, place value within 50, geometry, position, volume and mass.

Topics that we will be covering across the half-term

Art  –  Still life

DT  –  Design and make a chair

Geography  –  Where in the World is Barnaby Bear?

Computing  –  Lego Builders

Science  –  My body  /  Animals including humans  /  seasonal changes – Winter / Spring

PSHE  –  Dreams and Goals  / Healthy Me

RE  –  God and Faith – Courtesy  /  Science and Technology – Ways of knowing

Music is undertaken by the Music Service


We have PE every Tuesday and Thursday.

In PE, the children will be learning about different movements within Gymnastics and the ball/stick skills involved in playing Hockey.

t is very important that all children have the correct PE kit.

No earrings are to be worn on PE days.

All clothes should be labelled to ensure that they can be returned to the correct child if they are mislaid.

Planned Trips

We are looking at future trips -

further information to be sent via Class Dojo





Monday – weekly spellings to be practised and put into sentences using correct punctuation.

Friday –Task set linked to learning in class through Purple Mash(when applicable to the learning taking place in class and a message will be sent out informing you about the task)

Numbots weekly expectation that the children should be practising their numerical skills for at least 10–15 minutes a week.

You will be informed through Class Dojo about any homework set as a 2Do on Purple Mash.

This will have a completion date and the work will need to be saved, so that it can be marked and dojos awarded.

Dates for your diary

Celebration Assembly 31st January

Parents Evening 12th  and 13th February

Share a book 7th February


It is essential that all the children are reading at home at least 3 x a week and this is then recorded onto the BOOM read app, as this helps the children to gain extra dojo points to help them gain merit certificates and allow them to develop their reading fluency.

All children should have their reading books in their book bags every day, so that we can read with them when the opportunity arises.