Parent Voice
Parent Voice
Your opinion counts!
Date of next meeting: TBC
PARENT VOICE is an opportunity for parents / carers to attend regular meetings with a member of our SLT (Senior Leadership Team) to voice any concerns or suggestions, in a constructive way.
Regular, open communication is highly valued at Surrey Street Primary School. The aim of the group is to represent the views of all parents and to be a voice to inform our school of the needs of children and families. The role of the Parent Voice Group is advisory, the Governing Body and Headteacher remain the decision makers of the school.
Parent Voice is not in place to address specific concerns about an individual child or issues relating to individual members of staff. Parents/carers who need to discuss these issues should approach their class teacher directly.
Main Aims:
- To support and promote children’s learning
- To help the school find out what parents and carers think
- about important issues
- To involve parents and carers fully in the development of the school
- To make support, develop and improve outcomes for all our children.
Everyone is welcome to attend
Refreshments are provided
Annual Parent Questionnaire
Thank you to all our parents / carers who took the time to provide responses to our annual parent questionnaire.
Please click below to view: