Year 3
Cardinal Class
Our teacher is Mrs Amin
Maroon Class
Our teacher is Miss Sabanci
Our teaching assistants are Miss Young, Mx Staniforth, Mrs Sibinska, Miss Hickling and
Mr Macdonnell.
Our Wellbeing Support Member is Mr Craig
Here’s what we’ll be covering this term in Year 3:
In English this term, the children will learn about and write a variety of texts, such as stories and instructions.
We will be writing our own warning story and an instructions text.
We will be reading ‘Kassim and the Greedy Dragon’ and ‘How to Catch a Dragon’.
In maths, the children will be learning more about place value, where they will be representing, partitioning number to 1000 and estimating on a number line.
With addition and subtraction, they will be learning to add and subtract two- and three-digit numbers within and across 10 and 100.
They will also be doing more work on multiplication and division. Here they will be multiplying and dividing by 2, 4 and 8. They will be working on solving problems and reasoning challenges.
Topics that we will be covering across the half-term
DT – Sewing
Science – Rocks
History – Stone Age
Computing – Spreadsheets
RE – God and Faith
We have PE on the following days:
Cardinal - Wednesday and Friday
Maroon - Wednesday and Friday
This term the children will be practicing and learning the skills for Hockey and Gymnastics.
Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing; this can be in the form of plain black tracksuit bottoms with elasticated legs, plain black or red shorts and a plain white or red t-shirt. Children will need trainers.
No jewellery is to be worn on PE days.
Every child is expected to complete their three-weekly reads, access TT Rockstars for at least 21 minutes and practice their spellings.
Children need to read at home at least 3 times per week and log this on Boom Reader.
Children need to learn their spellings each week.
Here are some examples of how your child can practice their weekly spelling words:
Dates for your diary
Please check Class Dojo for the latest updates
Planned Trips
Future trips to be announced on Class Dojo.