Curriculum Vision
Curriculum Vision
Our school serves children and young people to help them grow into fulfilled and valued citizens.
At Surrey Street Primary School, we aim to produce well-rounded individuals through an aspirational and motivational curriculum, which reflects the individuality and diversity of the children in our school. We give high priority to teaching the fundamentals of reading, writing and Maths, to ensure that all pupils acquire the basic skills for learning and for life. These skills are used and practised across all subjects. We give children opportunities to work on their own, in pairs and in groups and value the importance of talk as a tool for learning and invest time in this.
The curriculum at Surrey Street provides children with a broad wealth of immersive experiences through WOW days, hands-on activities, trips, visitors to the school and outdoor learning. We encourage children to become emotionally intelligent, independent learners who make links between their experiences in school and their hopes and dreams for the future, including their life beyond school.
Our school vision, ‘Learning for Life’, is central to our curriculum and as such this embodies a skills-based approach in which children explore topics, build resilience and develop problem solving strategies. ‘Learning for life’ is threaded into our curriculum by the following, relevant themes which we believe are vital for the pupils in our school:
We want our children to understand how what they learn in the curriculum can be a pathway to future careers.
We want the children in our school to learn the skills needed to keep themselves mentally healthy and build resilience to cope with the challenges of life.
With high levels of mobility, it is important that children get to know both their new school and their new town through the context of our curriculum. For example, we explore the Great Fire of London alongside the Great Fire of Luton.
Our school has lots of green space and wooded areas. We want our children to understand how to look after the immediate environment, and that of the rest of the world, through the context of the curriculum.
Both our school and our town are incredibly diverse and we have lots of families representing a range of cultures, ethnicities and backgrounds. Our curriculum is representative of important figures from different cultures as well as exploring diversity within the context of our topics.
Please refer to our curriculum maps, for more detailed information.
If you require further information about our curriculum, please contact the school office: