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Our attendance target is 95% attendance for all pupils

Regular attendance at school is vital to help children get the best possible start in life.

Children who frequently miss school often fall behind and there is a strong link between good school attendance and achieving good results.

Please contact us if you are experiencing any difficulties in getting your child into school, our Attendance Officer / Family Worker, Miss Parrott can provide support to improve your child's attendance.

If your child is ill

Children sometimes have to miss school due to illness or medical issues.

If this is the case, parents/carers  must contact school the same day,  to let us know the reason for their child’s absence and when we can  expect them back in school.


Telephone:  01582 359390    |   email:

Arriving late procedure

The school has a legal duty and is accountable for all children's attendance, se we will require a reason why your child is late to school.

If your child arrives late, please report to the school office, to sign in your child.  Every parent / carer will be asked to provide a reason for lateness.

The following time is lost through lateness:   

Minutes late per day:

Equivalent of missing:

5 minutes

3.4 school days a year

10 minutes

6.9 school days a year

15 minutes

10.3 school days a year

20 minutes

13.8 school days a year

30 minutes

20.7 school days a year

Medical Appointments

You should always try to make appointments outside of school hours.  We will also ask you to provide evidence, such as an appointment letter or appointment card.

Term Time Leave

The headteacher cannot grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Taking your child out of school at any time of the year has a large impact on their education. Our curriculum is densely packed and the children continue learning right through to the end of the academic year. Your child could miss out on important teaching and learning and other school activities which may lead to gaps in their understanding the following year.

To apply for term time leave, please download and complete the form below and return it to the school office.  Please note that if you have more than one child attending the school, individual forms should be completed for each child.